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Malaysia-based researchers present findings at global scientific webinar
KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA - Media OutReach - 28 July 2021 - At a recent global webinar "The Use Of Biophysical Therapies To Treat Covid-19 Patients", our Malaysian representatives presented their findings of how molecule water (aka molecular structured water) was used as part of therapy for Covid-19 patients in many countries such as Italy, China, Brunei, Singapore and even Malaysia. Quoting from the report, "Patients suffering from Covid-19 pneumonia showed significant improvement with reduction in overall symptoms and accelerated recovery thanks to demonstrated anti-inflammatory effect".
Robert (left) and Roger (right) speaking during the global webinar held from 16 – 18 July 2021.
The event was organized by Global Scientific Guild (www.globalscientificguild.com), a prestigious organization created to promote information sharing and collaboration between scientists, researchers, professors, doctors and industrialists worldwide. Bringing together world-class renowned personalities to discuss the latest developments and innovations on one common platform, the only speakers from Malaysia at this exclusive event were Robert J. Pascoe, an expert in Structured Water and Frequency Technology and Roger Heng, President of IDC Global Holdings Malaysia – creator of LIFE+ Molecule Water.
The Life+ Molecule Water team has made significant discoveries through R&D and collaboration with well-known international scientists including Dr Prof. Carlos Orozco, an accomplished oncologist in quantum physics research and author of the bestselling book 'Key to Coherence'. Using innovative proprietary technology known as Quantum Physics Magnetic Field (QPMF), LIFE+ water molecules are naturally restructured into a hexagonal, honeycomb shaped lattice that enables ionized OH- electrons to be highly charged and attached. "This altered structure was tested to have smaller molecules, negative ionisation and higher viscosity, facilitating higher oxygen saturation (SpO2) as well as vital nutrient and better hydration absorption in human bodies," says Roger.
The net result is a promising opportunity to help those suffering from Covid-19, which is notorious for decreasing blood oxygen saturation levels (SpO2) in patients. While medical oxygen therapies using ventilators and intubation are common and essential in hospitals, LIFE+ Molecule Water's effect of increasing SpO2 is a natural and non-intrusive way of managing Covid-19 early.
Further tests have confirmed the unique properties of LIFE+ Molecule Water. According to LIFE+ Research and Operation Advisor, Dr. Aiwina Heng Soong Yin, test results from Guangzhou Hua Nam Agriculture University show that the water molecules are smaller than normal drinking water. Whereas at Northern Nevada Medical Center (USA), Ramaiah Hospital (India) and Metropolis Laboratory (USA), reports indicate that Human Red Blood corpuscles (RBCs) cells are electromagnetically charged and become buoyant after 20 minutes of consumption compared to regular Reverse Osmosis water intake.
"We are continuing our collaboration with international research institutes to further study the product's positive effects in Covid-19 recoveries," says Roger. To date, the trials have yielded very positive results in Covid-19 and post-vaccination recovery duration, as well as in symptom relief without the use of medical drugs. The LIFE+ team also expect to see significant improvement in the human body's performance in detoxification, metabolism, pH balance and regulation of cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar levels.
LIFE+ Malaysia's production plant is nearly complete and will be launched in September 2021. Based on their 3S philosophy (Safe, Smart & Sophisticated), it will be the first science-led, contactless and fully automated plant producing the healthiest structured drinking water with quantum mechanics technology.
For more information, visit www.drinklifeplus.com
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