1. Minmetals Rare Earth (000831.SZ) guides H1 net profits at RMB0-RMB3 mln

      2015-07-15 08:19

    2. China's crude oil import costs down 45pct o-y in H1, good for oil refiners

      2015-07-14 21:30

    3. 107 centrally-administered SOEs set up 8515 branches overseas by end 2014, SASAC

      2015-07-14 21:06

    4. Higher-than-expected new loans in June show rising credit demand, BOCOM report

      2015-07-14 21:05

    5. Overseas institutions nodded to conduct IRS after record-keeping, PBOC

      2015-07-14 19:45

    6. China Dev. Bank sells four batches of bonds amid brisk demands Tue.

      2015-07-14 18:59

    7. China nods local gov't bonds to be collaterals for banks' Treasury cash deposits

      2015-07-14 16:03

    8. China to see increasing mineral demand in following 5-10 years, expert

      2015-07-14 15:39

    9. MIIT to carry out five key programs to press ahead "Made in China 2025", report

      2015-07-14 14:31

    10. MIIT to formulate plan on radio management during 2016-2020, report

      2015-07-14 14:22

    11. Guangdong province issues overall RMB5.5 bln general bonds Tue.

      2015-07-14 11:08

    12. China iron ore port stocks down 0.57pct in July 7-13 to 77.92mln t, Xinhua Index

      2015-07-14 10:59

    13. Xinhua-China 58pct iron ore import price index down 7 in July 7-13 to 44, Xinhua Index

      2015-07-14 10:58

    14. Xinhua-China 62pct iron ore import price index down 6 in July 7-13 to 49, Xinhua Index

      2015-07-14 10:58

    15. China interbank bonds likely to fluctuate on Tue., amid wait-and-see sentiment

      2015-07-14 10:01

    16. TISCO (000825.SZ) guides H1 net profit down 60pct-90pct y-o-y

      2015-07-14 08:39

    17. China's public funds reach 7.11trln yuan by end June

      2015-07-13 20:32

    18. Guangdong Qtone Education (300359.SZ) H1 net profits to gain 5-15pct o-y

      2015-07-13 20:32

    19. CITIC Securities (600030.SH) H1 net profits up 205.96pct o-y to RMB12.4 bln

      2015-07-13 20:26

    20. NEA inaugurates special supervision on power grid safety risk control

      2015-07-13 17:02

    21. Recast: Chinese ship makers see new orders down over 70pct to 11.19 mln DWT in H1, MIIT

      2015-07-13 16:30

    22. Shenhua cuts July coal price on sales pressure

      2015-07-13 14:48

    23. China H1 net imports of coal down 37.76 pct on yr to 97.53 mln t

      2015-07-13 14:36

    24. China H1 coal exports down 25.94 pct on yr to 2.34 mln t, GAC

      2015-07-13 14:36

    25. China June coal exports up 17.5 pct on yr to 470,000 t, GAC

      2015-07-13 14:36

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