
WFP secures 9 mln USD to boost food security in South Sudan

2022-08-18 00:16

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JUBA, Aug. 17 (Xinhua) -- The World Food Programme (WFP) said Wednesday it has received two donations worth 9 million U.S. dollars to help tackle food insecurity in South Sudan amid deepening hunger.

The WFP said the donations will help more than 7.74 million people who are severely food insecure, including around 1.3 million children and 683,000 pregnant and lactating women who are expected to be malnourished this year.

"The funding will support WFP's emergency programs with a special focus on vulnerable individuals or groups in crisis-affected areas, as well as refugees and internally displaced populations," the WFP said in a statement issued in Juba, the capital of South Sudan.

It said the contributions will help support up to 300,000 people through 2022. According to WFP, the first grant of 3 million dollars will be used to procure 1,500 metric tons of rice that will assist 41,500 people facing severe food insecurity.

The second contribution of 6 million dollars that has also been approved will enable WFP to procure cereals, oil, and pulses to assist around 234,000 people later in the year.

Makena Walker, WFP's Acting Country Director in South Sudan, said the two grants come at a critical time when the unprecedented food insecurity situation in South Sudan is deteriorating even further.
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