
Green Climate Fund raises 9.3 bln U.S. dollars

2023-10-06 03:58

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BERLIN, Oct. 5 (Xinhua) -- A total of 9.3 billion U.S. dollars were pledged to the Green Climate Fund over the next four years at a financing conference in Bonn, Germany on Thursday.

German Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development Svenja Schulze, who hosted the event, said, "In the fight against climate change, the world is standing together."

"Many pledges were made today ... This will enable the Green Climate Fund to continue and further advance its important work in emerging and developing countries," she added.

The funding pledges received will enable the Green Climate Fund to channel "new, additional and predictable financial resources" to developing countries, the Fund said in a statement.

Noting that "Time is not on our side," Selwin Hart, special adviser to the UN Secretary-General, said, "Promises made must be promises kept. This is the only way to rebuild the trust needed to confront the climate crisis."
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