Industries > Finance

Alipay rolls out new facial recognition payment equipment

2018-12-17 13:48

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The e-commerce giant Alibaba rolled out its new facial recognition payment equipment dubbed "Dragonfly" on Thursday.

Looks like a lamp with its bulb replaced by a facial recognition screen, the new payment equipment could be used in hospitals, shops, and restaurants, even in grocery stores.

According to Alibaba, Dragonfly embodies high security and recognition capabilities. It is capable of recognizing any makeups even differences among twins.

As big as one-tenth of the previous traditional facial recognition equipment, Dragonfly does not need customers to take steps like nodding and to open their mouths to verify themselves, it only needs a few seconds to finish the payment by simply looking at the camera. 

Supermarkets, which have been equipped with the new payment equipment, have proven that they could save customers up to 50 percent of their time in queuing up. At the same time, the cost of one Dragonfly payment equipment system is comparable to having three cashiers.

"The QR code has prompted the popularity of mobile payment systems, and we are working on the new facial recognition equipment to make it available at every vendor's shops," said Zhong Yao, the general manager of the Alipay IoT department.

Chinese analyst said the facial recognition payment system ought to be more convenient and safer than the password-based payment system and with lowered costs by using it in the near future, the facial recognition service industry is going to see an exponential growth in the next three years.
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