China Stock Market
Express Messages
China Exim Bank sees strong demand for its 3-tranche bond sales
China Exim Bank auctioned 3-tranche bonds, namely 3-year, 5- and 10-year financial bonds on Thursday.
Xiangtan Electric Manufacturing Group to issue RMB 900 mln 366D bills May 6
Xiangtan Electric Manufacturing Group Co. of China announced Thursday that it would issue 900 million yuan worth of 366-day bills on May 6.
Rizhao Port to issue RMB 500 mln 366D bills May 6
Rizhao Port Co. of China announced Thursday that it would issue 500 million yuan worth of 366-day bills on May 6.
China Exim Bank to sell 3-tranche financial bonds on May 6
The Exim Bank of China would auction up to 12 billion yuan worth of 3-tranche financial bonds, namely 5-, 10-, and 3-year bonds on May 6.
Beijing Jingmei Group to issue RMB 800 mln 366D bills May 7
Beijing Jingmei Group Co. of China announced Wednesday that it would issue 5 billion yuan worth of 366-day bills on May 7.
Shougang Group to issue RMB 5 bln 365D bills May. 5
Shougang Group Co. of China announced Wednesday that it would issue 5 billion yuan worth of 365-day bills on May 5.
Xiangyu Group to issue RMB 500 mln 270D bills Apr. 30
Xiangyu Group Co. of China announced Wednesday that it would issue 500 million yuan worth of 270-day bills on Apr. 30.
China's MOF to sell RMB30 bln 10Y T-bond May 6
China's Ministry of Finance would auction 30 billion yuan worth of 10-year book-entry coupon-bearing Treasury bonds on May 6.
CPI Guizhou Jinyuan Group to issue RMB 500 mln 270D bills Apr. 29
CPI Guizhou Jinyuan Group Co. of China announced Tuesday that it would issue 500 million yuan worth of 270-day bills on April 29.
Dongbei Special Steel to issue RMB 700 mln 365D bills May 4
Dongbei Special Steel Co. of China announced Tuesday that it would issue 700 million yuan worth of 365-day bills on May 4.
China Railway Construction to issue RMB 3 bln 270D bills Apr. 23
China Railway Construction Co. of China announced Tuesday that it would issue 3 billion yuan worth of 270-day bills on Apr. 23.
China MOF issues guideline to accelerate local government bond offering
China's Ministry of Finance issued a guideline on accelerating local governments' bond offerings on Tuesday.
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