The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 457.21 points, or 1.89 percent, to 23,764.78. The S&P 500 decreased 60.20 points, or 2.05 percent, to 2,870.12. The Nasdaq Composite Index was down 189.79 points, or 2.06 percent, to 9,002.55.
All the 11 primary S&P 500 sectors dropped, with real estate closing down 4,25 percent, the worst-performing group.
The moves came as more U.S. states outlined plans to relax shutdowns from the pandemic.
The U.S. state of New York will end its statewide closure on May 15 by reopening three regions where the COVID-19 pandemic has shown signs of mitigation, Governor Andrew Cuomo said on Monday.
Some low-risk businesses including landscaping and gardening, as well as recreational activities such as tennis will also resume on May 15, said the governor.
On the data front, U.S. Consumer Price Index (CPI) declined 0.8 percent in April, the largest monthly decline since December 2008, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Tuesday.
The so-called core CPI, another closely watched measure of inflation that strips out food and energy, fell a record 0.4 percent last month, said the bureau.
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