Resumption of China's outbound travel to boost Malaysia's GDP, says economists
Resumption of China's outbound travel to boost Malaysia's GDP, says economists.

Israeli innovative startups struggle for growth amid inflation
Israeli innovative startups struggle for growth amid inflation.

Over 153 mln USD to be spent on running Indian gov't next fiscal year
Over 153 mln USD to be spent on running Indian gov't next fiscal year.

Zimbabwe's forex receipts reach record 11.6 bln USD in 2022
Zimbabwe's forex receipts reach record 11.6 bln USD in 2022.

Ukraine seeks to extend duty-free trade with EU until end of 2024
Ukraine seeks to extend duty-free trade with EU until end of 2024.

Egypt's tourism revenues hit record high in Q1 of FY 2022/23
Egypt's tourism revenues hit record high in Q1 of FY 2022/23.